About AsTRONauts

We are a lottery NFT collection that gives every person that mints a chance to finally get that 100-1000x multiplier we have all been dreaming about since we entered Tron. While also getting a good laugh looking back at the many mishaps that we have experienced on our journey in this ecosystem. For the small price of 69Trx you get the chance to win many prizes including 40 chances at an automatic 10x(690), 7 chances at a 100x(6,900)and one chance at a 1000x(69,000Trx), along with an abundance of other cool prizes from Tron Merch, Tron community tokens/NFTs, Tron Metal panel Art, or even some $USDD!

Collection size - 6,969 NFTs Price - 69 Trx each Why mint?- for a real chance at a 1000x within tron🫣

Say hello to our


Each AsTRONAut is generated to help you laugh at the pain.


To infinity & TRON

Space Bud-E

H.E chief